“With the blood in the eye” Bioarchaeology and Biomaterials.

"With blood in the eye". Romano et al. Axis 1 - Bioarchaeology and Biomaterials.

Presentation of the paper “With blood in the eye”. Revealing and documenting traces of latent blood in archaeological materials.

This paper is presented by Andrés Romano, Sara López Campeny, Jorge Martínez and Juan Ronelli.

The first three authors belong to the Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales (ISES-CONICET) and the Instituto de Arqueología y Museo (IAM-UNT), while Juan Ronelli is Director of the Specialization in Crime Scene Analysis, Coordinator of the Natural Sciences Area of the B.Sc. in Criminalistics and professor at the Instituto Universitario de la Policía Federal Argentina (IUPFA).
Police (IUPFA).